Effie Solar 2020 will be attended by more than 30 experts and professionals from the industry who will hold conferences at the auditorium.
Following the presentation of the conference on self-consumption, on this occasion we are presenting the programme of the conferences on innovation in renewable energies.
The conference is sponsored by Soltec.
This day will be held on March 11th from 09:00 to 18:00 and it will have 9 speakers:
09:00-10:00 David Jesús Yáñez, Co-founder of Vortex Bladelesse ⮕ "Vortex, mills "without shovels""
10:00-11:00 Marc Roselló and Juan Antonio López, Product Manager and Technical Director of HellermannTyton ⮕ "Optimisation solutions for photovoltaic plant installations
11:00-12:00 Ibon Salbidegoitia Garcia, Technical Director of Meteo for Energy ⮕ "How to take advantage of the weather to increase the profitability of a solar plant
12:00-13:00 Kostal
13:00-14:00 Soltec
15:00-16:00 Noé Puertes Carpio, Photovoltaic Manager at Linkener ⮕ "5 tips to avoid being affected by the photovoltaic bubble"
16:00-17:00 Pablo Sarrasín, Suministros Orduña ⮕ "Accumulation as a source of power in residential self-consumption
17:00-18:00 Miquel de la Mano, Prosume ⮕ "Towards the decentralisation of production and local energy communities
All the details of these and other conferences can be consulted by clicking here.